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Find us: Unit B, Queen Elizabeth Park, Railton Road, Guildford, GU2 9LX, click here for more information.

When purchasing your rabbit, it is important to consider the amount of space they require carefully. The RSPCA advises that rabbits need the below as a minimum space requirement for two averaged sized rabbits. Of course, if you can provide more space, that is even better for your rabbit’s welfare.

Rabbit outdoor space requirements
Rabbit outdoor shelter requirements

Top tips:

  • It is important to note that the space must be across a single level so raised hutches within the space will not count towards the minimum space requirement
  • If you can provide free-range space that is even better, but please ensure roaming is supervised
  • Minimum height requirement is 1m
  • Most importantly, the bigger the space, the more room they will have to exercise and keep in shape!

Alder Veterinary Practice

Unit B

Queen Elizabeth Park

Railton Road




Telephone: 01483 536036

Email: [email protected]

Where to find us (click for map)

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