As the cold and flu season approaches, pet owners often wonder if their pets can catch these illnesses too. The answer is yes—pets can indeed catch colds and flu, though the viruses that affect them are typically different from those that infect humans.
General Pet Advice
At Alder Vets we are proud to offer comprehensive and cost-effective preventative healthcare plans to keep your pet as healthy as possible.
Finding a lump on your pet isn't necessarily a cause for alarm and even if it's a form of cancer, there are likely multiple treatment pathways available.
Have you observed a surge in your dog or cat's water consumption lately? You might find instances when their water bowl empties faster than normal.
As our pets get older they are prone to certain health conditions that are linked with age, just like us humans.
During this period of uncertainty and with many of us self-isolating and in lock-down, some of our clients have been asking questions about COVID-19 in relation to their pet and also how to manage their mental and physical wellbeing.
Hypovitaminosis A (Vitamin A deficiency)
This has overtaken metabolic bone disease as the most common deficiency based illness we are seeing.
Pet passports no longer valid from 1 January 2021
You can no longer use a pet passport issued in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) for travel to an EU country or Northern Ireland. You can still use a pet passport issued in an EU country or Northern Ireland.
After the operation your pet can have a light meal on the evening of surgery. Do not be concerned if s/he does not want to eat right away. You must remove food if any vomiting occurs. Normal food can be fed the following day. Offer normal amounts of water.
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