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  • Sustainability | Alder Vets

    We are open 6 days a week in Guildford

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Alder Veterinary Practice acknowledge that our operations have an impact on the environment and we are committed to improving our environmental performance in relation to our services and operations. 

We are proud that Alder Veterinary Practice are working towards their Bronze accreditation from Investors in the Environment (iiE).

We have identified key areas that contribute our environmental and carbon footprint: 

  • consumption of electricity, gas, water and other fuels 
  • use of anaesthetic gases 
  • waste generation 
  • transport emissions 
  • use of raw materials, including materials and medications 
  • procured goods and services with their own environmental impact

Our environmental commitment can be demonstrated in our established objectives and goals below: 

  • compliance with all applicable environmental regulations and public/customer expectations 
  • monitoring our key resource usage and implementing conservation techniques to achieve our environmental targets 
  • implement a waste/recycling policy and sustainable procurement policy 
  • minimising unsustainable transport use 
  • take part in One Health sustainability project with our Associates 
  • working with suppliers to ensure they acknowledge and decrease the environmental impact of their products and transportation 
  • publishing and distribution of an annual organisational sustainability report

View our environmental policy [PDF]

We will continue to improve our environmental management system by working to the Investors in the Environment (iiE) criteria, considering any changes in legislation, our organisation, and other factors. We will convey this policy to all our employees ensuring that they are provided with training to increase awareness of environmental matters.

Alex Voller Chapman at Alder and Alice Lynch at Crofts are our Sustainability Leads and have designated responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of this policy.  The policy will be reviewed every year as part of the organisations overall environment management plan. 

Name: Alex Voller Chapman

Position: Investors in the Environment Lead for Alder Veterinary Practice

Date: 14/03/2022

Name: Elizabeth Wozniak

Position: Clinical Director for Alder & Crofts Veterinary Practice

Date: 14/03/2022

Contact details for sustainability enquiries:

Ellie West, Clinical Veterinary Anaesthetist This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alder Veterinary Practice

Unit B

Queen Elizabeth Park

Railton Road




Telephone: 01483 536036

Email: [email protected]

Where to find us (click for map)

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