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  • Cat Vaccinations | Kitten Vaccines | Alder Vets

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  • Cat Vaccinations | Kitten Vaccines | Alder Vets

Vaccinating Your Cat

Vaccination is the only safe way to provide immunity against several dangerous diseases that continue to infect cats in the UK. When kept up to date, as recommended by your vet, regular cat vaccinations can keep your cat protected for life.

Immunity and cat vaccination

Immunity is the body’s natural ability to fight infection. Vaccination confers immunity by exposing the body to a small but entirely harmless dose of the disease in question.

Immunity in kittens

Kittens are usually protected during the first few weeks of life by an immunity passed through the mother’s first milk (colostrum). However, this immunity fades rapidly, leaving the kitten susceptible to disease within a few weeks. This is the point when cat vaccinations are key, they can take over in providing protection.

Book a pet vaccination appointment

What diseases do we vaccinate against?

Cat flu (feline upper respiratory tract disease)

Common in the UK and can be very serious, especially in kittens and older cats. It is spread between cats by direct contact or through sneezing. Symptoms such as a runny nose and eyes, high temperature, and extreme lethargy. Regular cat vaccination is the best means of keeping the disease at bay.

Infectious enteritis (feline panleucopenia)

An unpleasant, often fatal disease, relatively rare, vaccination has been extremely successful in controlling the disease.

Feline leukaemia

A viral disease, transmitted when cats fight each other or even during grooming. It can take months to develop after infection but then will begin to supress the cats immune system, causing secondary infections, tumours and death. Vaccination is gradually bringing this disease under control.

Chlamydophila felis

Can cause conjunctivitis and is mainly seen in kittens and multi cat households.


A fatal disease not found in the UK, vaccination is mandatory if you plan to take your cat abroad.

Kittens first vaccination

The first time your kitten is vaccinated, a course of 2 injections is usually given separated by at least a couple of weeks. This primary course can be given as young as 9 weeks of age – but if you acquire a kitten that is already older, talk to your vet about vaccination timings. The vet will also give your kitten a general health check at the same time.

Cat vaccinations doesn’t work immediately; it takes a few days for immunity to develop. Your vet will advise you on when it is safe to let your kitten interact with other animals.

Immunity to a disease may gradually fade, leaving your cat at risk. Depending on the disease, boosters may be needed. An annual visit to the vet will allow for a general health check and any necessary boosters to be given.

You will be given a cat vaccination card which contains a record of the vaccination and tells you when the next booster is due, catteries will need to see this so keep it in a safe place and bring it with you on your cat's annual check up.

New  kitten?

Getting your kitten vaccinated is essential for your new pet’s health and plays a pivotal role in their preventative healthcare throughout their life. Register your pet with us online today to book an appointment at Alder Vets.

Register Your Kitten Today

Cat Vaccination FAQs

Why are Cat Vaccinations necessary?

Vaccinations are essential for providing your cat with adequate protection from life-threatening and debilitating diseases. There is the option of Titre testing, which involves blood samples to determine your cat’s immunity. Unfortunately, this is not always 100% reliable and can be costly to perform. Cats also staying in boarding or cattery facilities are often required to be vaccinated if you're planning to go on holiday.

Do indoor Cats need Vaccinations?

Indoor cats still require vaccines, but this may be a reduced course that only includes cat flu and enteritis. However, many indoor cat owners still have a full vaccination course each year just in case their cat decides to go out exploring!

What happens if you don't Vaccinate your Cat?

Deciding not to vaccinate runs the risk of your cat contracting various harmful diseases. If you also want to travel with your cat or need them to stay in boarding facilities or catteries, most sites require up to date vaccination status and will not accept unvaccinated animals. A simple yearly vaccination course can help to protect your cat so they can live a happy and healthy life.

Should you Vaccinate an older Cat?

As long as your cat is fit and healthy, we would always recommend vaccinations for your cat. These vaccinations provide protection from harmful diseases.

How much does it cost to Vaccinate a Cat?

With our Pet Health For Life Plan you can spread the cost of necessary vaccines. From £18 a month.

Learn more

Can a Vet tell if a Cat has been Vaccinated?

There is no way to tell if a cat has been vaccinated physically; however, if your cat has a vaccination card, previous vet records or microchip details, our team can look into your cat's history where possible.

Alder Veterinary Practice

Unit B

Queen Elizabeth Park

Railton Road




Telephone: 01483 536036

Email: [email protected]

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