We now provide 24-hour care, 365 days a year on conjunction with Vets Now. Find out more here


Find us: Unit B, Queen Elizabeth Park, Railton Road, Guildford, GU2 9LX, click here for more information.


Pet antibiotic resistance – how can we safeguard our future?
Alabama Rot Awareness
Our new CD, Aiz pledges compassionate and education experiences for pet owners in Surrey!
Are conkers poisonous to dogs?
Pet skin conditions
Lily Poisoning: protecting Your Pets from a Hidden Danger
Essential Summer Safety Tips for Keeping Your Pets Healthy and Happy
How to help your itchy dog
Is Corn on The Cob Safe for Dogs?
Saltwater poisoning in dogs: Symptoms to look out for

Alder Veterinary Practice

Unit B

Queen Elizabeth Park

Railton Road




Telephone: 01483 536036

Email: [email protected]

Where to find us (click for map)

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